
Rule of law – EU accession’s Achilles heel

On March 29 at EU House in Tirana, Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) organized a roundtable discussion on the topic “Rule of law – EU accession’s Achilles heel”. The focus of this event was to discuss the findings of the Albanian benchmarking analysis in the frame of the project ‘Benchmarking for EU Reform – How […]

TEN advocates for promoting and enforcing rule of law in the Balkans

March 21, 2018 – Today in Brussels, the Think of Europe Network and the European Policy Centre (EPC Brussels) co-hosted a policy dialogue event titled Marking the benchmark: Promoting and enforcing rule of law in the Balkans. Distinguished speakers were Sabine Zwaenepoel, Chapter co-ordinator at the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), Tanja Fajon, Member of European Parliament, Srđan Majstorović, Chairman of European […]

Civil Society and Policy Making in the Visegrad Group Countries: Lessons for the Western Balkans

Civil society organisations (CSOs) of the Western Balkans (WB6) are relatively young compared to their counterparts from Visegrad countries (V4). This could be seen as a natural consequence related to political and historical circumstances in both regions over the past 20 years: the early transition to democracy in the V4 countries paved the way for […]

Challenges for Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Serbia: Key Findings of the 2017 SIGMA Monitoring Report

On 13 March 2018, SIGMA/OECD organised a workshop Challenges for Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Serbia: Key Findings of the 2017 SIGMA Monitoring Report in Hotel Metropol, Belgrade. The event was organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia (MPALSG), and it brought together senior officials […]

The European Perspective of Kosovo on the basis of the Enlargement Strategy: What should Kosovo do in the coming years?

On March 16, Group for Legal and Political Studies organized a Roundtable Discussion on the topic “The European Perspective of Kosovo on the basis of the Enlargement Strategy: What should Kosovo do in the coming years?”, held in Prishtina within regional BENCHER Project. The aim of this event was to discuss the promotion and enforcement […]

Event announcement: Marking the benchmarks – Promoting and enforcing the rule of law in the Balkans

Since its 2011 enlargement strategy, the European Commission has adopted a more rigorous approach to democratic conditionality, building mostly on lessons learned from its eastward expansion. The EU’s increased focus on ‘good governance’ criteria (such as the rule of law, independent judiciary, media freedom and efficient public administration) was formally reflected for the first time […]

Interview with Srđan Majstorović: CSO’s a can contribute substantially to a better understanding and faster reconnection of the region

CEP is one of the co-founders of the regional Think for Europe Network and its Secretariat. One of the main focuses of CEP’s work is regional cooperation. Why do you think regional cooperation between think tanks is important? CEP is very proud to be part of TEN. It represents a network of distinguished think tank […]

What’s the role and importance of think tank organisations today?

30th January 2018 – Final conference of the International Visegrad Fund Project “Raising capacities and advocacy potential towards more substantive involvement of civil society organisations of Visegrad group and Western Balkan countries” was held today in Belgrade. Within the Conference named Think tanks in policymaking: Challenges and impact in Southeast Europe, annual Go To Think […]