Rule of law – EU accession’s Achilles heel

On March 29 at EU House in Tirana, Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) organized a roundtable discussion on the topic “Rule of law – EU accession’s Achilles heel”. The focus of this event was to discuss the findings of the Albanian benchmarking analysis in the frame of the project ‘Benchmarking for EU Reform – How effective? implemented by the Think for Europe Network members, and financed by the European Fund for the Balkans.

More precisely, this event gathered experts, government and civil society representatives, opinion-makers and other stakeholders to discuss:

  • Challenges of EU’s conditionality and its transformative power
  • The interplay and synergies between the accession and rule of law reforms
  • The way forward for Albania in the light of EC’s Flagship initiatives.

In addition, the panellists also shared their views regarding Albania’s position vis-a-vis the EU Enlargement Strategy, with a particular focus on the reforms needed in the upcoming years. At the beginning of the discussion, IDM representative, Gjergji Vurmo talked about the Challenges of EU’s transformative power, the importance of rule of law in Albania, and the significant role that EU conditionality has on implementing reforms in Albania. Following his remarks, Ms Artela Mitrushi presented the country analysis entitled ‘Bencher-(In)Effectiveness of EC Monitoring Mechanisms’. This analysis assesses the effectiveness of the EU’s benchmarking system on selected policy issues pertaining to ‘fundamentals first’. This analysis also puts forward a set of recommendations on how to improve the benchmarking mechanism of the conditionality policy.

The roundtable is part of the Think and Link Regional Policy Programme, supported by the European Fund for the Balkans and Open Society Institute, under the umbrella of Think for Europe Network (TEN).


  • Aldo Bumci, MP – Parliamentary Committee of European Integration
  • Rafaella Campanati, First Secretary – Italian Embassy in Tirana
  • Afrim Krasniqi, Executive Director of Albanian Institute for Political Studies – ISP
  • Besar Likmeta, Editor for BIRN Albania

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TEN advocates for promoting and enforcing rule of law in the Balkans

March 21, 2018 – Today in Brussels, the Think of Europe Network and the European Policy Centre (EPC Brussels) co-hosted a policy dialogue event titled Marking the benchmark: Promoting and enforcing rule of law in the Balkans. Distinguished speakers were Sabine Zwaenepoel, Chapter co-ordinator at the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), Tanja Fajon, Member of European ParliamentSrđan Majstorović, Chairman of European Policy Centre (CEP Belgrade) Governing Board, Corina Stratulat, Senior Policy Analyst at the EPC and Albana Rexha, Research Fellow at the Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS Kosovo).

Drawing on the results of the BENCHER regional comparative study, discussion focused on the EU’s role in helping the Western Balkan countries to achieve progress in rule of law reforms, particularly through the required track record of democratic conditionality in practice.

Ms Albana Rexha presented the findings of the regional BENCHER research project, implemented by Think for Europe Network. The research focused on the effectiveness of the EU’s benchmarking mechanism for the Western Balkans within the negotiating Chapters 23 and 24. The BENCHER sought to explain mixed results in the EU’s attempt to induce compliance, exploring whether the Union is more successful in some sub-policy areas than in others, and why, and aiming to contribute to strengthening the benchmarking as an impetus for EU-related reforms in the WB countries.  Despite the EU’s firm insistence on democratic reforms, findings showed that all countries had been backsliding.

Mr Srđan Majstorović stated that the European Commission had made an extremely difficult and important step forward when it comes to communicating a credible enlargement policy. Talking about the importance of involving citizens in the EU enlargement process, he added that “there should be a fourth pillar in the enlargement policy – and that is the inclusion of citizens and civil society”.

Ms Tanja Fajon warned that „visa liberalization was a tangible result for Western Balkans citizens, but the change in rule of law is not.“ She also pointed out that EU benchmarking mechanisms are too technical and too distant to the citizens. „People in the Western Balkans want change, but this issue should be communicated in a different manner“, Ms Fajon concluded.

Since its 2011 enlargement strategy, the European Commission has adopted a more rigorous approach to democratic conditionality, building mostly on lessons learned from its eastward expansion. The EU’s increased focus on ‘good governance’ criteria (such as the rule of law, independent judiciary, media freedom and efficient public administration) was formally reflected for the first time in the negotiation frameworks for Montenegro and Serbia, which require that Chapter 23 (on the Judiciary and Fundamental Rights) and Chapter 24 (on Justice, Freedom and Security) are opened in the early stages of the talks and closed only at the very end of the process, and that overall progress is conditioned by progress in these fields.

Ms Sabine Zwaenepoel reminded the audience that the Commission had been investing continuous efforts in communicating to the candidates what the rule of law concept should entail. In her view, „Chapters 23 and 24 offer tools to make sure rule of law in Western Balkans is respected” and there is no doubt what is meant by that.

The BENCHER project was conducted with the kind support of European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and the Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE). The project was implemented by Think for Europe Network (TEN) members and coordinated by European Policy Initiative – EPI from Skopje, Macedonia.

Studies conducted within the BENCHER project can be found here.

*Take a look at the Brussels Times’ text: EU benchmarks for Western Balkans: Political will missing*

Civil Society and Policy Making in the Visegrad Group Countries: Lessons for the Western Balkans

Civil society organisations (CSOs) of the Western Balkans (WB6) are relatively young compared to their counterparts from Visegrad countries (V4). This could be seen as a natural consequence related to political and historical circumstances in both regions over the past 20 years: the early transition to democracy in the V4 countries paved the way for growth of civil society sector and accelerated its development, while simultaneously the WB6 region experienced a severe social, economic and political downfall. Indeed, the post-communist era in the V4 served for the civil sector growth, as organisations could provide assistance in terms of expertise and resources in certain areas where, still fragile and recovering states, could not manage to do so. The development of civil society sector in V4 was therefore to a great extent impacted by democratic reforms, along with early public administration reform and Europeanisation processes, while the WB countries were still recovering from the fierce conflict period at that time.

It is our immense pleasure to share with you a collection of articles produced within the project Raising capacities and advocacy potential towards more substantive involvement of CSOs of V4 and WB6. This collection provides insights into challenges of civil society participation in policymaking in three countries of the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland), in the intention to share valuable lessons for the Western Balkan countries. Articles are a result of experience exchanging events that took place in spring and summer of 2017, gathering representatives of TEN Network and partner organisations from Visegrad countries: namely, a two-day workshop addressing experiences from Poland and Hungary was held in Budva (Montenegro) on 12-13 May, while on June 26-30, representatives of each of the TEN member organisations, together with civil servants from each of the Western Balkan countries, participated in a study tour to Slovak Republic and Czech Republic.

This study is funded by Visegrad Fund.


Challenges for Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Serbia: Key Findings of the 2017 SIGMA Monitoring Report

On 13 March 2018, SIGMA/OECD organised a workshop Challenges for Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Serbia: Key Findings of the 2017 SIGMA Monitoring Report in Hotel Metropol, Belgrade.

The event was organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia (MPALSG), and it brought together senior officials from various Government bodies, independent institutions and civil society organisations (CSO) and donors, as well as representatives from the European Commission and EU Delegation to discuss the current challenges and priorities of PAR implementation in Serbia. The main findings and recommendations of the SIGMA 2017 Monitoring Report for Serbia were presented and discussed.

Introductory remarks about priorities and challenges of PAR implementation in Serbia and its importance in the EU enlargement were given by mr Branko Ružić, Minister of the Public Administration and Local Self-Government, ms Jelena Stojović, from the Ministry of Finance, H.E. Sem Fabrizi, Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia.

Milos Đinđić, WeBER Lead Researcher, presented the first results and findings of the regional PAR monitoring being conducted within the WeBER Project. Presentation of the first findings of the monitoring took place within the panel on involvement of CSO in PAR in Serbia. Representatives of CSO members of the WeBER Platform and National PAR Working Group (NWG) in Serbia, as well as organisations grantees of the WeBER Project from Serbia, participated in the event.

First results of the WeBER PAR monitoring available here.

The European Perspective of Kosovo on the basis of the Enlargement Strategy: What should Kosovo do in the coming years?

On March 16, Group for Legal and Political Studies organized a Roundtable Discussion on the topic “The European Perspective of Kosovo on the basis of the Enlargement Strategy: What should Kosovo do in the coming years?”, held in Prishtina within regional BENCHER Project. The aim of this event was to discuss the promotion and enforcement of the rule of law in the Western Balkans, particularly in Kosovo.

The panel also shared their views in regard to Kosovo’s position vis-a-vis the EU Enlargement Strategy, with a particular focus on the reforms needed in the upcoming years. Furthermore, they had the chance to discuss the current government’s approach towards this Strategy, its implications and the overarching Kosovo’s European perspective.  At the beginning of the discussion, GLPS presented the country analysis entitled “EU’s Benchmarking Mechanism on ‘Fundamentals First’: Results and Challenges”. This analysis  studies the effectiveness of the EU’s benchmarking system on a selected policy issues pertaining to ‘fundamentals first’. This analysis also puts forward a set of recommendations on how to improve the benchmarking mechanism of the conditionality policy. This event is part of the Think and Link Regional Policy Programme, supported by the European Fund for the Balkans and Open Society Institute, under the umbrella of Think for Europe Network (TEN).


Ms Fitore Pacolli – Member of the Committee on European Integration, Kosovo Assembly;

Ms Venera Ramaj – Policy Advisor on Rule of Law at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Kosovo;

Ms Albana Rexha – Author of the Report and Research Fellow at Group for Legal and Political Studies;

Ms Albana Merja – Research Fellow at Group for Legal and Political Studies.

Venue: EU Information and Cultural Centre in Prishtina

How effective is the EU in applying its conditionality mechanisms?

13-14 March 2018 – At two-day Conference „EU and Western Balkans: towards greater credibility and engagement on both sides” held in Belgrade on 13-14 March 2018, results of our BENCHER project were presented (Benchmarking for EU reform – how effective?).

During the first day of the Conference, findings of regional comparative study created within the Project are presented; the aim of findings is to enable better understanding of EU mechanism for promotion and implementation of the Rule of Law.

First panel of the Conference brought the discussion on how EU could develop a more effective mechanism for the establishment of the Rule of Law and which main obstacles impeded this process.  Panelists were Igor Bandović, Senior Programme Manager in European Fund for the Balkans (EFB), organisation which is one of the Donors of the Project, Ardita Abazi Imeri, Programme Coordinator in European Policy Institute (EPI) from Skopje, Alida Vračić, Executive Director of the think tank organization Populari from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Endrit Shabani, Researcher from Department for Policy and Interational relations of the Oxford University and Adnan Ćerimagić, analyst from European Stability Initiative (ESI). The panel was moderated by Sena Marić, Programme Manager and Senior Researcher from CEP.

Igor Bandović explained why it is important for civil society to be involved in discussion about Rule of Law and reforms in this area and why EFB decided to support this Project. He said that he, observing the way governments in the region treat the Rule of Law, noticed „worrying trend“ i the way how it is treated in the Western Balkans.

„You can not make any progress in the Rule of Law unless you do not have freedom of the media“, warned Bandović. „Rule of Law is not just judiciary reform, as it was ofter perceived. It is rule of normality, freedom and stability. Only if we adopt all this, we will make progress in this area and will be commended by European Commission“, said Bandović.

Abazi Imeri said that research showed that the Region has not advanced enough in this area and that „EU is too mild when negotiating chapters referred to the Rule of Law“, which leaves space for governments in the Region to interpret themselves what Rule of Law means, as well as to often neglect this issues, at the expense of resolving political issues and „political chapters“. Alida Vračić added that we have to be aware of the fact that reforms and democratizations are „neverending process“ and that we have to be „more realistic and less emotional“ when it comes to the EU accession negotiations.

About the importance on economic reforms and fight against corruption during reform process within the Rule of Law spoke Endrit Shabani. He said that he has no doubt regarding EU intention to help Western Balkans, but that he doubts that this will be achieved by the current approach.

Responsibility in this area in also on the EU, agreed Ćerimagić. Commission has to communicate better and better present its findings in this area, but it should make additional efforts to explain to the citizens why certain reforms need to be implemented.

The second day of the Conference was dedicated to the consideration of effectiveness of the EU approach to the Rule of Law in Serbia, with special review after opening of accession chapters 23 and 24. Dragana Bajić, Researcher from CEP, presented CEP study, related to this subject, which provides significant findings referred to the factors which influenced limited Serbia`s achieved results in these two chapters. She said that, although certain progress was achieved in some of the parts, in majority of them there have been „stagnation, if not regression“ since 2006.

„EU conditionality is not an universal remedy. We as civil society often overestimate the rule of Union in the refom process – as if we forget that the main responsibility for the implementation of the reform is on the state“, emphasized Bajić.

Deputy Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Tatjana Jokanović, spoke about the importance of the fight against discrimination, especially among youngest population, as well as about activities of the Office of Commissioner in this area. Noora Häyrinen, Head of the Political Section, EU Delegation in Serbia emphasized that „difficult chapters“ as 23 and 24 are, do not have to be left for the end of the process, but it is necessary to work on them continuously. She praised Serbia for making a huge move by making the European Commission`s six-month progress report in these chapters (the so-called “non-paper”) available to the public, although it is not bounded by the rules to do so.

Milan Antonijević, Director of Lawyer`s Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM) expressed concern and dissatisfaction with the Rule of Law in Serbia. In certain areas, for example, regarding the presumption of innocence, Serbia doesn`t have good position: presumption of innocence is not respected, neither by the courts and state authorities, especially media, said Antonijević. Also, Condition is bad when it comes to the asylum seeking, said Radoš Đurović, Executive Director of Asylum Protection Center. Asylum seekers are in legal vacuum in Serbia and within total number of the people which expressed wish for asylum, small number succeed to submit this request; movings of migrants among various reception centers are often, regardless the fact that they have been registrated in certain place for longer period of time, underlined Đurović.

Panel was moderated by Sena Marić, Programme Manager and Senior Researcher from CEP.

BENCHER Project, implemented in cooperation of CEP with the partners from Think for Europe Network (TEN) is financially supported by European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE). More about the Project you can find here.


Event announcement: Marking the benchmarks – Promoting and enforcing the rule of law in the Balkans

Since its 2011 enlargement strategy, the European Commission has adopted a more rigorous approach to democratic conditionality, building mostly on lessons learned from its eastward expansion. The EU’s increased focus on ‘good governance’ criteria (such as the rule of law, independent judiciary, media freedom and efficient public administration) was formally reflected for the first time in the negotiation frameworks for Montenegro and Serbia, which require that Chapter 23 (on the Judiciary and Fundamental Rights) and Chapter 24 (on Justice, Freedom and Security) are opened in the early stages of the talks and closed only at the very end of the process, and that overall progress is conditioned by progress in these fields. Moreover, the heavy weight of rule of law issues can now also be felt in the pre-accession phases.

But despite the EU’s firm insistence on democratic reforms, all of the applicants in the region, including the front-running countries, have been backsliding. By assessing the effectiveness of the benchmarking mechanism on Chapters 23 and 24, the BENCHER project seeks to explain the mixed results in the EU’s attempts to induce compliance, exploring whether the Union is more successful in some sub-policy areas than in others, and why.

How is the EU helping candidates to achieve progress on rule of law reforms? To what extent are the current benchmarks appropriate? What more can be done to improve the track record of democratic conditionality in practice throughout the Balkans, so that results match up to the rhetoric? This event will address these and other questions, drawing on the results of the BENCHER regional comparative study. Short presentations from the expert panel will be followed by an interactive exchange with the audience. The debate will be on the record and the media will be invited.


21 March 2018


  • Tanja Fajon, Member of the European Parliament
  • Sabine Zwaenepoel, Senior Expert, Team Leader of Centre of Thematic Expertise, DG NEAR, European Commission
  • Srdjan Majstorović, President of the Governing Board, European Policy Centre – CEP, Belgrade
  • Albana Rexha, Senior Research Fellow, Group for Legal and Political Studies, Pristina
  • Gjergji Vurmo (tbc), Program Director, Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Tirana
  • Corina Stratulat, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (Moderator)


Interview with Srđan Majstorović: CSO’s a can contribute substantially to a better understanding and faster reconnection of the region

CEP is one of the co-founders of the regional Think for Europe Network and its Secretariat. One of the main focuses of CEP’s work is regional cooperation. Why do you think regional cooperation between think tanks is important?

CEP is very proud to be part of TEN. It represents a network of distinguished think tank organisations dedicated to the most valiant goal – enhancing the quality of public services for citizens of the countries of the region by offering evidence-based alternatives. Having in mind all the normative, institutional and even cultural challenges regarding creating and monitoring of public policies in the countries of the region, it is obvious that jointly, as a network of organisations, we can do more, we can be louder, and our ideas can have a stronger impact.

One of the essential parts of the EU integration process for the countries of the Western Balkans is regional cooperation. Unfortunately, Governments are not leading by example. On the contrary, we are witnesses of their inability to recognize that regional cooperation is not an obligation imposed from the outside, but a necessity. This necessity entails working together on securing a better normative, institutional, social, economic and cultural environment for their citizens. We are concerned and we do want this to change, but we do not want to wait for those who call themselves “leaders”. Instead, we are trying to lead by positive example, and show that organizations from the region can work together for the benefit of their citizens. “Leaders” are welcome to catch up with us.

Recently published Strategy for EU Enlargement has also recognized that Serbia is one of the countries that has made great progress in the EU accession process. Would you agree with this assessment? Would you describe the speed of Serbia’s negotiating process as satisfactory?

The Strategy is stating the obvious. Montenegro and Serbia are the two countries that are negotiating their accession to the EU. But the EU accession process is dynamic, and it cannot be locked in one moment in time. That’s why I strongly believe that the Strategy is providing a positive framework and a credible offer by the EU to all those countries that are ready to prove their credibility and address the challenges – deficiencies of rule of law, corruption, organized crime, state capture by parties and individual interest, authoritarian tendencies, freedom of the media…

The speed of the process is less important than its goal to enable equal legislative, economic and social conditions to Serbia’s citizens, like the ones enjoyed by the citizens of the EU member states. I am convinced that Serbia can do better and go faster. I trust that our administration still has the capacity for that. Unfortunately, this capacity is eroding due to lack of ownership of the EU agenda in different line ministries and Government agencies. Mixed messages coming from the officials confuse the administration and demotivate them. Serbia deserves clear statements from the highest officials that the EU membership is our choice, our wish and our generational chance. No “ifs” and no “buts.

Srđan Majstorović, Chairman of CEP Governing Board

Srđan Majstorović, Chairman of CEP Governing Board

 Regarding the Strategy, it has been confirmed that the EU will not allow accession of the states that have bilateral disputes, hence greater cooperation between the Western Balkan states in resolving these disputes is expected. In what way can CSOs speed up this process and contribute to regional reconciliation?

It is obvious that those countries who prove to be incapable of resolving bilateral issues would signal that they didn’t understand the message from the Strategy; that the EU is not ready to import more insatiability. Bilateral issues must be recognized as a historical chance that can be resolved within the context of EU integration of the whole region. If you wish, it can be a chance to reconfirm the very basis on which the EU was established as a peace project. It will require change of mindset and language currently used by regional officials. Closer regional cooperation and rapprochement needs to be recognized as a chance to change the negative image and make the region more appealing to the citizens of the EU.

It is good that the CSO’s from the region decided not to wait for their “leaders”. There are numerous examples of regional networks of CSO’s who are investing significant efforts to bring citizens closer and to motivate them to understand and accept recent history in order to pave a stable foundation for a common future. CSO’s cannot and should not substitute the governments. It is their task to enable the official framework for reconciliation and rapprochement. However, CSO’s are indispensable in creating an atmosphere that is conducive to reaching that result and they can contribute substantially to a better understanding and faster reconnection of the region.

What do you consider to be the biggest challenges civil society in Serbia is facing? To what extent do you believe that civil society organisations (and CEP, in particular) are involved in the EU accession process? 

I am cautiously optimistic regarding the role of CSO’s in the EU accession process thus far. National Convention on European Union proved to be a functional and a resilient mechanism for inclusion of CSO’s in the EU accession negotiations. CEP has the honor to chair 3 Working Groups in the National Convention and we were ready from the start to make a substantial contribution to its work. We are strong advocates of strict monitoring of the negotiation process which we understand as a broader responsibility than a simple ticking off the box exercise.

However, the biggest challenge remains how to establish and maintain an atmosphere of constructive dialogue with the government representatives who are sometimes failing to recognize good intentions when CSO’s are being critical of their performance. It is our duty to raise concerns and offer alternative solutions when we recognize that certain obligations are not implemented in a timely manner. Often, this is perceived by government officials as a “political attack” which is far from reality. CSO’s have the right to alarm the public who is the real “boss” to those who they are electing and paying their work. The EU accession process is a long and complex process, thus we would ask for more patience and more dialogue with the civil society in order to have a sustainable environment for future cooperation.

*This interview is produced as a part of the fourth issue of the TEN Newsletter.

TEN one of the best think tank networks in the world

30th January 2018 – We are proud to inform you that the Think for Europe Network (TEN) has been selected as one of the best think tank networks in the world, according to the ranking of prestigious US program of the University of Pennsylvania, which has ranked world’s best think tanks and think tank networks for 11 years.

On the occasion of the publication of this Report, in 75 countries in the world and in more than 100 cities, the events on which the Report is presented are simultaneously held. For the first time, Serbia is among countries that participated in this huge initiative, at the event organised by European Policy Centre (CEP), the Think for Europe Network Coordinator. You can find more about the event here.

You can find the 2017 Go To Think Tank Report Index here.

What’s the role and importance of think tank organisations today?

30th January 2018 – Final conference of the International Visegrad Fund Project “Raising capacities and advocacy potential towards more substantive involvement of civil society organisations of Visegrad group and Western Balkan countries” was held today in Belgrade. Within the Conference named Think tanks in policymaking: Challenges and impact in Southeast Europe, annual Go To Think Tank Index Report for 2017 was presented; Report has been published for 11 years and presents annually evaluation of think tanks worldwide. Today, in 75 countries, events dedicated to presentation of the Go To Think Tank Index Report were held on the same day. This year, Report has been presented for the first time in Serbia, in organisation of European Policy Centre (CEP).

Final conference was organized in two panels. First panel named Transparency and Inclusiveness in Policymaking: State of Play in the Western Balkans brought discussion about Western Balkans` experiences regarding position of think tanks. Policymaking in Western Balkans is continuously characterized by poor and unsystematic involvement of civil society organizations (CSOs); on the other hand, the need that process of creation and adoption of policies is based on accurate information, as well as that contribution which think tank organizations provide to state authorities is evidence based and containing verified data is today bigger than ever, especially having in mind trend of democracy regression and growing information manipulation in South-east Europe.

Ms Milena Milošević, researcher in Institute Alternative from Montenegro, moderated first panel discussion. Panelist were Ms Milena Banović, Head of Department for Planning and Creating Enabling Environment for the Development of Civil Society, Office for cooperation with Civil Society, Ms Sanja Mešanović, acting Deputy Director of Republic Secretariat for Public Policies, Mr Radu Cotici, expert from Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Ms Lejla Ramić-Mesihović, Director of Foreign Policy Initiative from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ms Dragana Bajić, researcher from CEP.

Мilеnа Bаnоvić from The Office for cooperation with civil society emphasized the importance of the Office and its activities aimed to contribute to better cooperation among public administration organizations and civil society organizations. Also, she presented advantages and weaknesses of different models of cooperation among mentioned organisations.

In the creation of public policies, it is necessary to be guided by a smart choice, which means that public policies should be formed based on data and managed according to the results, thinks Ms Sanja Mešanović. She adds that it is particularly important that these policies are characterized by transparency.

Results of the regional public opinion survey „Balkan Barometer“ are presented by Mr Radu Cotici. He spoke about biggest problems that civil society encounters when communicating with state authorities, as well as which recommendations RCC gives in order to improve the current state.

Ms Lejla Ramić-Mesihović looked back on positive and negative aspects of CSOs participation in the process of policymaking. Although CSOs give huge contribution to state authorities, they at the same time make mistakes, she added.

Within second panel named Bridging Decision-Making and Expert Knowledge: what role for think tanks, participants disussed about experiences of Visegrad Group countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland), as well as how much exchange of experiences among these countries and Western Balkan countries can help both. Panelists also discussed role and position of think tanks today, through the prism of publishing above mentioned 2017 Go To Think Tank Index Report.

For the first time, this year CEP was evaluated and was ranked on the list of best European think tanks.  Besides, the Think for Europe network, which consists of 6 CSOs from the Western Balkan, and whose work is coordinated by CEP, is on the list of the world’s best think tank networks.

Mr Srđan Majstorović, President of the CEP Governing Board moderated the panel, and panelists were Mr Michal Vit, fellow researcher for Czech organization EUROPEUM, Mr Andrew Cartwright, professor at Central European University from Budapest, Ms Sonja Stojanović Gajić, director of Belgrade Centre for Security Policy and Ms Milena Milošević from Institute Alternativa, this time in the role of panelist.

„I think that the most important thing which our organization currently does is development and participation in regional cooperation with other organizations from Western Balkan, as well as participation in regional initiatives for supervision of state institutions` activities“, said Milošević.

Sonja Stojanović Gajić warned that we, often guided by the facts, forget how important it is to affect the emotions of people. Therefore, it is not enough just to present research in the form of figures and information, but we should present the atmosphere and how people feel, she added.

„Support to populist political parties has been growing because they are aware of the importance of the impact on citizens` emotions and they abundantly use this fact“, highlighted Stojanović Gajić.

Panelists eventually agreed that the role of think tanks in the world of increasing global insecurity and the growth of authoritarianism is more important than ever and that work on strengthening cooperation among think tanks should be done.