What’s the role and importance of think tank organisations today?

30th January 2018 – Final conference of the International Visegrad Fund Project “Raising capacities and advocacy potential towards more substantive involvement of civil society organisations of Visegrad group and Western Balkan countries” was held today in Belgrade. Within the Conference named Think tanks in policymaking: Challenges and impact in Southeast Europe, annual Go To Think Tank Index Report for 2017 was presented; Report has been published for 11 years and presents annually evaluation of think tanks worldwide. Today, in 75 countries, events dedicated to presentation of the Go To Think Tank Index Report were held on the same day. This year, Report has been presented for the first time in Serbia, in organisation of European Policy Centre (CEP).

Final conference was organized in two panels. First panel named Transparency and Inclusiveness in Policymaking: State of Play in the Western Balkans brought discussion about Western Balkans` experiences regarding position of think tanks. Policymaking in Western Balkans is continuously characterized by poor and unsystematic involvement of civil society organizations (CSOs); on the other hand, the need that process of creation and adoption of policies is based on accurate information, as well as that contribution which think tank organizations provide to state authorities is evidence based and containing verified data is today bigger than ever, especially having in mind trend of democracy regression and growing information manipulation in South-east Europe.

Ms Milena Milošević, researcher in Institute Alternative from Montenegro, moderated first panel discussion. Panelist were Ms Milena Banović, Head of Department for Planning and Creating Enabling Environment for the Development of Civil Society, Office for cooperation with Civil Society, Ms Sanja Mešanović, acting Deputy Director of Republic Secretariat for Public Policies, Mr Radu Cotici, expert from Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Ms Lejla Ramić-Mesihović, Director of Foreign Policy Initiative from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ms Dragana Bajić, researcher from CEP.

Мilеnа Bаnоvić from The Office for cooperation with civil society emphasized the importance of the Office and its activities aimed to contribute to better cooperation among public administration organizations and civil society organizations. Also, she presented advantages and weaknesses of different models of cooperation among mentioned organisations.

In the creation of public policies, it is necessary to be guided by a smart choice, which means that public policies should be formed based on data and managed according to the results, thinks Ms Sanja Mešanović. She adds that it is particularly important that these policies are characterized by transparency.

Results of the regional public opinion survey „Balkan Barometer“ are presented by Mr Radu Cotici. He spoke about biggest problems that civil society encounters when communicating with state authorities, as well as which recommendations RCC gives in order to improve the current state.

Ms Lejla Ramić-Mesihović looked back on positive and negative aspects of CSOs participation in the process of policymaking. Although CSOs give huge contribution to state authorities, they at the same time make mistakes, she added.

Within second panel named Bridging Decision-Making and Expert Knowledge: what role for think tanks, participants disussed about experiences of Visegrad Group countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland), as well as how much exchange of experiences among these countries and Western Balkan countries can help both. Panelists also discussed role and position of think tanks today, through the prism of publishing above mentioned 2017 Go To Think Tank Index Report.

For the first time, this year CEP was evaluated and was ranked on the list of best European think tanks.  Besides, the Think for Europe network, which consists of 6 CSOs from the Western Balkan, and whose work is coordinated by CEP, is on the list of the world’s best think tank networks.

Mr Srđan Majstorović, President of the CEP Governing Board moderated the panel, and panelists were Mr Michal Vit, fellow researcher for Czech organization EUROPEUM, Mr Andrew Cartwright, professor at Central European University from Budapest, Ms Sonja Stojanović Gajić, director of Belgrade Centre for Security Policy and Ms Milena Milošević from Institute Alternativa, this time in the role of panelist.

„I think that the most important thing which our organization currently does is development and participation in regional cooperation with other organizations from Western Balkan, as well as participation in regional initiatives for supervision of state institutions` activities“, said Milošević.

Sonja Stojanović Gajić warned that we, often guided by the facts, forget how important it is to affect the emotions of people. Therefore, it is not enough just to present research in the form of figures and information, but we should present the atmosphere and how people feel, she added.

„Support to populist political parties has been growing because they are aware of the importance of the impact on citizens` emotions and they abundantly use this fact“, highlighted Stojanović Gajić.

Panelists eventually agreed that the role of think tanks in the world of increasing global insecurity and the growth of authoritarianism is more important than ever and that work on strengthening cooperation among think tanks should be done.

Event announcement: Think tanks in policymaking – Challenges and impact in Southeast Europe

Policymaking in the Western Balkans (WB) is characterised by weak and unsystematic involvement of the civil society organisations (CSOs). On the other hand, necessity for evidence-based policymaking in the countries across Southeast Europe is greater than ever, considering the trends of democratic regression and growing manipulation of information in this region.

Think tanks and policy research institutes are supposed to play an impactful role in promoting transparency, inclusiveness and objectivity in policymaking, however their space for manoeuvre is hindered by numerous challenges, including uncertain funding opportunities and hostile political environment.

The Final conference of this project, financed with the support of International Visegrad Fund, will address these issues. The conference will be held on January 30, 2018 in Belgrade, at the EU Info Centre Premises. The Conference is named Think tanks in policymaking – Challenges and impact in Southeast Europe, and will address these issues in light of publication of 2017 Go To Think Tank Index Report.

Our panelists will be representatives of CSOs from the Visegrad Group countries and the Western Balkans, as well as representatives of state institutions.

Interview with Lejla Ramić-Mesihović: Efficient and professional public administration one of the pillars of successful pre-accession process

“Comprehensive and results-oriented regional cooperation has been recognized by both regional and international community as one of the strongholds of the reform processes. Exchange of experience, positive practices and lessons learned is surely beneficial for each country of the region and we can all learn from each other.”

Can you tell our readers about the current state of affairs regarding EU integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina? How much is civil society, and your organization in particular, involved in the process and its coordination structures?

Bosnia and Herzegovina holds the status of a potential candidate for EU membership and it filed a formal application for EU membership in early 2016. On 9 December 2016 received the European Commission’s Questionnaire. At the same time, the country has been trying to conduct reforms included in the Reform Agenda, adapt and implement the Stabilisation and Association Process and improve its internal coordination and communication. Due to political complexities and insufficient political focus on European integration process, some answers to the EU Questionnaire still remain un

answered mid-December, but there are indications that efforts have been intensified on completion of disputable part of the answers. Civil society organisations interested in the European integration process operate on three levels: activist, watch dogand think tank. FPI BH is a think tank. Our mission is to serve the society in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and its institutions through a wide range of research opportunities, publications and organization of events, which promote awareness of BiH internal governance issues, as well as its foreign policy directions.

How does „civil society scene“ look like in BiH? In your opinion, what are the challenges faced by civil society in your country, and on the other hand, what are the opportunities that should not be missed?

Lejla Ramić-Mesihović, Foreign Policy Initiative Director


Civil society organisations often lack capacity to see the entire picture and coordinate among themselves. Some developments have existed for the past couple of months in institutionalisation of cooperation between the CSOs and the BiH Council of Ministers on issues of general nature. In addition to this, two organisations initiated establishment of the Alliance for offering NGOs’ i.e. alternative answers to the EU Questionnarie. There is also the Initiative for Monitoring of EUI, which is primarily focused on a part of political criteria from acquis chapters related to the Rule of Law. In principle, we support work of both networks. BiH does not have a structure such an EUI convent, which could support European integration processes as a good and competent base, which would be complementary with efforts of governing structures in terms of competence and could bring into the matrix an appropriate civil society monitoring and participation in the process as it evolves. The Alliance does have the ambition to grow into this structure, but this ambition still remains to be seen in practice.

As a member of the Think for Europe Network (TEN), your organization is one of the key partners on the WeBER project. How would you describe the project, its mission, its role and its benefits for public administration reform in Western Balkan countries, and B&H in particular? Do you think that the WeBER model of regional cooperation could be replicated to other spheres of joint interest between countries of the region?

We are approaching the end of the second year of the implementation of WeBER project and we are very proud of the activities and results achieved so far. WeBER has been recognized as one of the best examples of how regional cooperation and comparative approach to the work of civil society organizations in the Western Balkans can yield results. In BiH, we have managed to gather more than twenty CSOs as members of the PAR National Working Groups, we have achieved excellent cooperation with BiH PARCO and our WeBER Platform members with whom we are in constant contact regarding PAR activities in BiH. Efficient and professional public administration is one of the pillars of successful pre-accession process and we are trying to provide continued and expert support to our institutions and CSOs. Furthermore, we are particularly proud on the work being done by the six local level organizations which have received small grants in BiH. Their projects are ongoing, but they have already managed to achieve some concrete results, which exemplifies the need for more focus being paid on the improvement of the local level administration.

Comprehensive and results-oriented regional cooperation has been recognized by both regional and international community as one of the strongholds of the reform processes. Exchange of experience, positive practices and lessons learned is surely beneficial for each country of the region and we can all learn from each other.

Can you tell us more about ongoing projects and initiatives that your organisation is currently implementing both in BiH and/or at the regional level?

FPI BH is a pioneering organisation in shadow reporting on European Integration in BiH and in the region and it has strong passion for both European integration and foreign politics in the wider sense of this term. We focus on expanding society’s knowledge about the changing nature and conduct of international relations, foreign affairs, diplomacy and repercussions on BiH institutions. Our experts analyse the foreign policy and try to advocate among relevant stakeholders and decision makers in the legislative and executive branches in BiH and in the international community. Ever since we started our enageged analytical activism in 2004, i.e. two years prior to formal registration of our non-governmental organisation, we tried to do our best to contribute to the strengthening of processes related to mentoring and training of emerging young professionals in BiH. Also, we are trying to contribute to improvement of public understanding about the nature of the governance reform process in BiH, it’s foreign policy and EU integration process. In addition to this, we have been working hard with a number of decision-makers on affirmation of principles related to gender equality in decision-making processes. On regional level we are proud to be in company of very good and foreward thinking think tanks through the Think for Europe network. FPI BH is also a proud supported of activities done under the Western Balkans 6 advocacy group.

Civil society needs to become acknowledged as a partner to governments in our region and its contribution to policy creation and monitoring recognized. What message would you send to CSOs in our region on how to strengthen their position Vis-à-vis their governments and policy making structures?

Civil society organisations have to advance their specific competences needed for participation and contribution into the process and improve articulation of their profiles which are today primarily driven by priorities of the donor communities in the region. We are to be comprehended as partners to governments in actions which are to lead to better, European future and stability in the region. We are not enemies. Though sometimes, a lot of space for improvement exists for advancement of mutual understanding and ways of cooperating. I do believe that in this sense, the best is yet to come.

*This interview is produced as a part of the third issue of the TEN Newsletter.

Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Skopje, Macedonia

On 27 October 2017, The European Policy Institute (EPI) – Skopje coordinated the second meeting of the NWG in Skopje, Macedonia.

The meeting served as consultation between the NWG, the representatives of the Small Grant Facility from Macedonia and the Ministry of Information Society and Administration of Macedonia.

The representatives the NWG and the grantees had opportunity to get acquainted with the latest version of the Strategy for the Reform of the Public Administration 2018 – 2022 and unique opportunity provide their views and input on the newly presented text. The structured engagement of the civil society in the structures for monitoring and coordination of PAR was advocated for, while the grantees advocated for inclusion of  local- self government in the scope of the Strategy. The meeting was attended by 23 representatives of CSOs from Macedonia.

Western Balkans Enabling Project for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform – WeBER – is a three-year project financed by the European Union (European Commission) and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.  You can find more about project here.


Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Podgorica, Montenegro

On 30 October 2017, Institut Alternativa organised the second meeting of PAR National Working Group (NWG) in Podgorica, Montenegro.

This meeting was organised as part of the regional WeBER project, financed by the European Commission and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Participants in the meeting included 5 CSO representatives from Montenegro, which form the NWG for monitoring the Public Administration Reform.

Since some of the NWG members are also grantees within the framework of WeBER’s Small Grant Facility for civil society monitoring of PAR at local level, their representatives shared experiences and key findings in their projects so far into the implementation. One of the NWG members, Novi Horizonti, has already concluded its research into local level PAR reforms, their representative presented the study on proactive publishing of information at the local level, with the Municipality of Ulcinj as the case study, providing examples of research methods that could easily be replicated in other municipalities in order to compare results.

IA’s representatives presented the work done so far on preparing the WeBER methodology, as well as the research conducted on the first two indicators that has already been finished, regarding the areas of Accountability and Policy Development and Coordination. Possibilities for sharing the early results and methodological dilemmas of the PAR Monitor with the NWG have been discussed, as the NWG members expressed interest to contribute to the research process.

During the second session, the NWG members discussed their potential inputs to the Annual Report of the European Commission for Montenegro and provided proposals to be addressed during the Third Regional Meeting of the WeBER Platform in Skopje on November 1-2 2017.


Western Balkans Enabling Project for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform – WeBER – is a three-year project financed by the European Union (European Commission) and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.  You can find more about project here. NWGs are national consultative mechanism for participation of civil society in the dialogue with relevant public authorities on design and monitoring of PAR processes in the WB. NWGs are constituted in each of the WB country as national extensions for dialogue on PAR of the wider mechanism – regional WeBER Platform.

More about WeBER Platform structure can be found here, while organisations from Montenegro that wish to join can use the permanent open call for expression of interest for CSOs to join the NWGs.


Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Tirana, Albania

On 30 October 2017, IDM Albania coordinated the second meeting of PAR National Working Group (NWG) in Tirana, Albania.

On 30 October 2017, IDM Albania coordinated the second meeting of PAR National Working Group (NWG) in Tirana, Albania. This meeting was organized as part of the regional WeBER project, financed by the European Commission and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Participants in the meeting included 30 CSO representatives from Albania, which form the NWG for monitoring the Public Administration Reform.

During the first session of the meeting, Aleka Papa, WeBER Researcher presented the progress of the WeBER PAR Monitor in Albania, given that the first wave of monitoring at the national level has started in October. Next, grantees of the Small Grant Facility for civil society monitoring of PAR at local level, presented their preliminary findings. 

During the second session, the NWG members discussed their potential inputs to the Annual Report of the European Commission for Albania and provided proposals to be addressed during the Third Regional Meeting of the WeBER Platform in Skopje on November 1-2 2017.


Western Balkans Enabling Project for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform – WeBER – is a three-year project financed by the European Union (European Commission) and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.  You can find more about project here.

NWGs are national consultative mechanism for participation of civil society in the dialogue with relevant public authorities on design and monitoring of PAR processes in the WB. NWGs are constituted in each of the WB country as national extensions for dialogue on PAR of the wider mechanism – regional WeBER Platform.

There is a permanent open call for expression of interest for CSOs to join the NWGs.

This article was originally published on: www.idmalbania.org


Third Meeting of the WeBER Platform

The event gathered CSOs members of the WeBER Platform from all six WeBER partner countries, as well as representatives of national level institutions, media, international and regional organisations dealing with public administration reform (PAR): SIGMA/OECDRegional School of Public Administration – ReSPARegional Cooperation Council – RCC.

The meeting served to showcase good practice examples and most recent achievements in the field of PAR, whereas Milena Lazarević, CEP Programme Director, informed about the progress of the WeBER project concerning the PAR monitoring, grant scheme implementation, and next steps planned for the upcoming project year. “It is vital that our monitoring results are comparable across the six countries, to ensure their credibility,” Milena stated.

The discussion focused on the methods to improve cooperation between CSOs and national level institutions, and proposals for creating more systemic consultation mechanism which would result in more inclusive and effective public policies. Another important aspect of the discussion was how to make the WeBER Platform useful and go-to place for the institutions and interested public, but also on ways of achieveing sustainability of the PAR Monitor in the long run. In the later course of the event, special emphasis was placed on raising awareness and visibility of the PAR process in the public eye. Additionaly, panel discussion with media representatives helped in shaping new ideas and approaches, such as greater accent on real life stories from the local communities, dismissing the technocratic jargon in favour of simple and easy to understand messages for the public, including more graphics and visuals.

WeBER (Western Balkans Enabling Project for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform) is a three-year project funded by the EU (European Commision) and co-funded by The Kingdom of The Netherlands.


The Second Meeting of the National Working Group in Kosovo

On October 26, 2017 Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) has held the 2nd meeting of the National Working Group in Priština, Kosovo.

Most of the members of the NWG participated at this meeting where they provided their inputs, concerns and recommendations regarding monitoring of the Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Kosovo. The NWGs are national consultative mechanism for participation of civil society in the dialogue with relevant public authorities on design and monitoring of PAR processes in the WB. NWGs are constituted in each of the WB country as national extensions for dialogue on PAR of the wider mechanism – regional WeBER Platform. Currently Kosovo has 12 members.

In the first session Arberesha Loxha from GLPS presented the progress of the WeBER PAR Monitor in Kosovo. ­­­­­­­­She informed the participants that following the finalization of the methodology, WeBER has started its first monitoring phase this September. She also recalled that WeBER monitoring methodology relies in several data sources amongst others government websites and official data/documents, surveys, interviews with public officials and focus groups. In addition, she shared with the members the very first observations from monitoring the first indicators which rely on data from government websites and official data and reports.

Furthermore, the grantees of the WeBER grant schemes presented their activities which they have conducted during the monitoring phase and emphasized the issues which they are dealing with. One of the most important factors of their work is the need to further cooperation between CSOs and local institutions.

Finally, members of NWG provided valuable inputs which need to be addressed during the Third Regional Platform to be held in Skopje.
Western Balkans Enabling Project for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform – WeBER – is a three-year project financed by the European Union (European Commission) and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.  You can find more about project here.

The Second Meeting of National Public Administration Reform Working Group in BiH

Foreign Policy Initiative BH, organized the second meeting of National PAR Working Group in BiH in Sarajevo, 25.10.2017.

Foreign Policy Initiative BH, organized the second meeting of National PAR Working Group in BiH in Sarajevo, 25.10.2017. The meeting is organized as part of the regional WeBER project, financed by the European Commission and co-financed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Representatives of 23 civil society organizations from BiH, which form the NWG for monitoring of Public Administration Reform on local level in BiH took part in the meeting.

Previous results and achievements as well as future plans for activities within WeBER project were presented. Furthermore, OCDs which were awarded grants within the project presented their activities and future plans. Through discussion and familiarization with activities within their local communities, representatives of NWG concluded that it is necessary to further educate public servants on local and cantonal level about PAR. They also underlined that it is necessary to explain the process of PAR to the citizens and present them what a reformed public service should bring to them (efficient and professional administration, simpler procedures, no long queues, budget spending and public service recruitment transparency, etc).

In the afternoon session, Senior Expert Associate for Public Relations of PARCO in BiH, Vedrana Faladžić presented the activities of PARCO in BiH and invited the representatives of CSOs to actively participated in public consultations which are to be held in Sarajevo and Banja Luka. Aneta Raić, Head of the Unit for Donor Coordination, Finances, Monitoring and Evaluation spoke about the next step and plans of PARCO BiH.

This article was originally published on: www.vpi.ba

The Second Meeting of the National Working Group for Monitoring Public Administration Reform in Serbia

In Belgrade, October 26, 2017, the Second Meeting of the National Working Group (NWG) for Monitoring Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Serbia was held. The Meeting was organised by the European Policy Centre (CEP).

As a prelude to the meeting of the National Working Group, a workshop for representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs), which carry out research projects within the framework of WeBER Small Grants programme was held. During workshop, they exchanged experiences that arose from the current implementation of these projects, and presented the progress in research and current research findings.

At the meeting of the National Working Group, Milena Lazarević, CEP’s Programme Director and WeBER Project Manager, and Miloš Đinđić from CEP, the Lead Researcher on the WeBER project, presented the progress in the implementation of WeBER PAR Monitoring in Serbia. Đinđić highlighted that the PAR Monitor Methodology is one of the most important products of WeBER.

About PAR Monitoring at the local level, spoke Milijana Trifković from Praxis, i Danijela Jović from Centre for Balanced Regional Development – Cen TriR, as representatives of CSOs recipients of the WeBER project Small Grant Facility for civil society monitoring of PAR at local level from Serbia. They presented the first findings of: transparency of local self-government and implementation of the new Law on Administrative Procedure on the territory of City of Kraljevo on the one hand, and on the other – current employment practices, the impact in the field of human resource management, as well as the perception of civil society on these issues in Užice, Požega and Gornji Milanovac.

Afterwards, the NWG members discussed the upcoming attachments to the Annual Report of the European Commission for Serbia, which the NWG in Serbia, as part of WeBER Platform, for the first time this year will send as an integrated contribution of its members.

The meeting was concluded with NWG members proposing on the key issues to be considered at the Third Regional Meeting of the WeBER Platform, which will be held in Skoplje on November 1st and 2nd of 2017.

NWGs are national consultative mechanism for participation of civil society in the dialogue with relevant public authorities on design and monitoring of PAR processes in the WB. NWGs are constituted in each of the WB country as national extensions for dialogue on PAR of the wider mechanism – regional WeBER Platform. More about WeBER Platform structure can be found here.

Western Balkans Enabling Project for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform – WeBER – is a three-year project financed by the European Union (European Commission) and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. You can find more about project here.