About Anesa Omeragic

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Anesa Omeragic contributed a whooping 124 entries.

Entries by Anesa Omeragic

Event announcement: Marking the benchmarks – Promoting and enforcing the rule of law in the Balkans

Since its 2011 enlargement strategy, the European Commission has adopted a more rigorous approach to democratic conditionality, building mostly on lessons learned from its eastward expansion. The EU’s increased focus on ‘good governance’ criteria (such as the rule of law, independent judiciary, media freedom and efficient public administration) was formally reflected for the first time […]

Interview with Srđan Majstorović: CSO’s a can contribute substantially to a better understanding and faster reconnection of the region

CEP is one of the co-founders of the regional Think for Europe Network and its Secretariat. One of the main focuses of CEP’s work is regional cooperation. Why do you think regional cooperation between think tanks is important? CEP is very proud to be part of TEN. It represents a network of distinguished think tank […]

TEN one of the best think tank networks in the world

30th January 2018 – We are proud to inform you that the Think for Europe Network (TEN) has been selected as one of the best think tank networks in the world, according to the ranking of prestigious US program of the University of Pennsylvania, which has ranked world’s best think tanks and think tank networks […]

What’s the role and importance of think tank organisations today?

30th January 2018 – Final conference of the International Visegrad Fund Project “Raising capacities and advocacy potential towards more substantive involvement of civil society organisations of Visegrad group and Western Balkan countries” was held today in Belgrade. Within the Conference named Think tanks in policymaking: Challenges and impact in Southeast Europe, annual Go To Think […]

Event announcement: Think tanks in policymaking – Challenges and impact in Southeast Europe

Policymaking in the Western Balkans (WB) is characterised by weak and unsystematic involvement of the civil society organisations (CSOs). On the other hand, necessity for evidence-based policymaking in the countries across Southeast Europe is greater than ever, considering the trends of democratic regression and growing manipulation of information in this region. Think tanks and policy […]

Interview with Lejla Ramić-Mesihović: Efficient and professional public administration one of the pillars of successful pre-accession process

“Comprehensive and results-oriented regional cooperation has been recognized by both regional and international community as one of the strongholds of the reform processes. Exchange of experience, positive practices and lessons learned is surely beneficial for each country of the region and we can all learn from each other.” Can you tell our readers about the […]

Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Skopje, Macedonia

On 27 October 2017, The European Policy Institute (EPI) – Skopje coordinated the second meeting of the NWG in Skopje, Macedonia. The meeting served as consultation between the NWG, the representatives of the Small Grant Facility from Macedonia and the Ministry of Information Society and Administration of Macedonia. The representatives the NWG and the grantees […]

Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Podgorica, Montenegro

On 30 October 2017, Institut Alternativa organised the second meeting of PAR National Working Group (NWG) in Podgorica, Montenegro. This meeting was organised as part of the regional WeBER project, financed by the European Commission and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Participants in the meeting included 5 CSO representatives from Montenegro, which form […]

Second Meeting of PAR National Working Group in Tirana, Albania

On 30 October 2017, IDM Albania coordinated the second meeting of PAR National Working Group (NWG) in Tirana, Albania. On 30 October 2017, IDM Albania coordinated the second meeting of PAR National Working Group (NWG) in Tirana, Albania. This meeting was organized as part of the regional WeBER project, financed by the European Commission and co-financed by the […]