About Anesa Omeragic

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Entries by Anesa Omeragic

WB Reform and Growth Monitor

The WB Reform and Growth Monitor project commenced in December 2024. Itaims to strengthen the role of civil society organisations (CSOs) in monitoring andadvocating for key economic reforms and infrastructure projects in the WesternBalkans under the EU Growth Plan. The project’s objective is to enhance transparency, promote inclusive dialogue, andsupport participatory processes in implementing Reform Agendas […]

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for expert/sfor developing monitoring methodology for Reform Agendas under the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans

Call within the framework of the project “WB Reform and Growth Monitor” Grant agreement number: IPA III/2024/458-693 Respected, The Think for Europe Network (TEN) invites applications for expert/s to develop a methodology and support activities for monitoring the implementation of selected policy areas’ actions under the Reform Agendas within the framework of the project “WB […]

EU enlargement to the Western Balkans in the light of the war in Ukraine: Enlargement Package 2022

Belgrade, 7 November 2022 – Today, the event “Unpacking the Enlargement Package 2022: EU Enlargement to the Western Balkans in the light of the war in Ukraine” was held in Belgrade, organised by the regional Think for Europe Network – TEN. The panel was conducted in cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighborhood and […]

Third WeBER Regional “Citizens First” Conference

Belgrade, 8-9 November 2022 – “As WeBER, we have matured as of 2015 in the sense that we realised that as CSOs, we cannot speak without the voice of citizens. We drew a precious lesson from citizens’ consultations. We could be much more persuasive, and a bottom-up pressure could be created in a more effective way […]

Responsible public administration as the basis of a well-functioning state: Two-day conference in Tirana

A two-day conference on public administration reform (PAR), institutional integrity, accountability, and public trust in institutions was held in Tirana on the 7th and 8th of June, bringing together government officials and civil society from across the Western Balkans. The conference titled “Pursuing integrity-driven and sustainable public administration reforms in the Western Balkans” was organised by the Institute […]

Pursuing integrity-driven and sustainable administrative reforms in the Western Balkans

The Institute for Democracy and Mediation organises the PAR regional meeting in the framework of the Western Balkan Civil Society Empowerment for a Reformed Public Administration – WeBER 2.0 regional project and the Serving Democracy and Citizens through Improved Public Integrity project. The event will be dedicated to the public administration reform (PAR), institutional integrity, accountability and public trust in institutions.   […]

Discussion about 2021 Enlargement Package with Maciej Popowski

24 November 2021 – Today, the European Policy Centre (CEP), together with other members of Think for Europe Network (TEN) and the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) organised an online discussion about the European Commission’s 2021 Enlargement Package. The event titled: EU Enlargement to the Western Balkans in the Light of the New Methodology gathered acting Director-General, Maciej Popowski, […]

EU enlargement to the Western Balkans in the light of the new methodology: Discussion about 2021 Enlargement Package

ONLINE EVENT On October 19, the European Commission adopted its 2021 Enlargement Package, offering a comprehensive assessment of the state of play and the progress made by the Western Balkans on their individual paths towards the European Union, with a focus on implementing fundamental reforms, as well as clear guidance on the reform priorities ahead. […]