Event announcement: Think tanks in policymaking – Challenges and impact in Southeast Europe
Policymaking in the Western Balkans (WB) is characterised by weak and unsystematic involvement of the civil society organisations (CSOs). On the other hand, necessity for evidence-based policymaking in the countries across Southeast Europe is greater than ever, considering the trends of democratic regression and growing manipulation of information in this region.
Think tanks and policy research institutes are supposed to play an impactful role in promoting transparency, inclusiveness and objectivity in policymaking, however their space for manoeuvre is hindered by numerous challenges, including uncertain funding opportunities and hostile political environment.
The Final conference of this project, financed with the support of International Visegrad Fund, will address these issues. The conference will be held on January 30, 2018 in Belgrade, at the EU Info Centre Premises. The Conference is named Think tanks in policymaking – Challenges and impact in Southeast Europe, and will address these issues in light of publication of 2017 Go To Think Tank Index Report.
Our panelists will be representatives of CSOs from the Visegrad Group countries and the Western Balkans, as well as representatives of state institutions.