Think for Europe

Network of Think Tanks and EU Policy Research Centres in South East Europe

TEN has been ranked as one of the top think tank networks in the world since 2018, according to the Global Go To Think Tank Index Reports.


Public engagement in developing key strategic public administration reform (PAR) documents

Consultation is structured public engagement, which involves seeking, receiving, analysing, and responding to feedback from stakeholders, by defining the purpose and subject of the consultation whether it is a policy initiative, regulatory change, or legislative proposal. The use of public consultation has different implications for the improvement of the regulatory framework. If undertaken in a […]

Accountability – a vital prerequisite for public authorities

Accountability is a precondition for public authorities in order that they could be liable for the results or lack thereof while operating with resources entrusted to them as part of the mandate/competence conferred upon them. It ensures that public officials’ actions and decisions are subject to oversight, which on its part ensures that government initiatives […]

North Macedonia PAR Monitor 2021/2022

The North Macedonia PAR Monitor 2021/2022 is the result of monitoring work performed in 2021/2022 by the European Policy Institute – EPI, and it represents a report of key findings from across the Western Balkans in the six areas of PAR defined by the Principles of Public Administration (SIGMA principles). As the third systematic PAR monitoring […]